Tuesday 11 June 2019

Day 1 Raft

Raft is a game where you collect debris from the ocean and use it to expand your raft to create room for necessary stations that enhance your survival, e.g ( water purifier, grill ).

The tool above is called a hook and it extends your reach when grabbing debris and the images below are the kind of debris found in the ocean

This is a wooden plank
                                                                  This is a palm leaf
                                                                   This is plastic
                                               This is a barrel, it contains all of the other debris

This is what it looks like when a shark attacks your raft  

When i died, i re spawned on the dock with nothing in my inventory. So I swam into the water for barrels or waited for items to get close to my raft, once i had enough wood and plastic, I created a hook to grab items from afar.

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